December 2, 2012

  • Spirituality in my 40s


    Since I’m 47, I guess I better update my spirituality history.  It’s not that decades are real demarkations… but one’s beliefs evolve with life experience.
    I’m no longer attending church.  I guess I sought out various church experiences for about 5 years. Update: I had a miscarriage out of wedlock while going to Vineyard and was shamed in a way that truly pissed me off.  That wasn’t why I left church, but it helped.  I would go if there were a Unity church nearby.  We attended a Unity church while visiting Sedona.

    Then I began exploring Reiki, which opened up my clairvoyance. I also began studying A Course in Miracles.  In Reiki, Christ would be considered an Ascended Master, among Angels and spirit guides, that assist in spiritual healing. In ACIM, Christ teaches Buddhism.  But that’s just my take.

    I also began studying reincarnation and hypnosis.  Two hypnotists have written about discovering past life regression, and between lives regression.  Also, right before my 46th birthday, my brother killed himself and I consulted a channeler.  I am now convinced that there is an afterlife, between lives and reincarnation..

    Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of… by Brian L. Weiss, MD Psychiatrist

        Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Betw… by Michael Newton, PhD
        Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life … by Michael Newton, PhD

Comments (4)

  • Churches don’t work for me – I keep getting judged or irritated out of them.  Meditation works well for me.  In my contemplation of between/afterlife stuff, I have had some dilemma about what version and how much of one’s “self” or ego persists after physical death. I don’t have a firm belief there yet and I’m ok with the not knowing.  It was interesting to me to read your current conclusions. Thank you.

  • @oceanstarr - The volume of people hypnotized and confirming reincarnation and the time between lives when we are in “school” with our spirit guides, is incredible, in the books I mention.  I think our “soul” carries on, but the ego is associated with they physical story of this life, and we get to leave it behind (and get a new one in the next life).

    Update: I had a miscarriage out of wedlock while going to Vineyard and was shamed in a way that truly pissed me off.  That wasn’t why I left church, but it helped.  I would go if there were a Unity church nearby.  We attended a Unity church while visiting Sedona.

  • @turtle_dove - I agree with you on the shedding of the ego.
    was living out of wedlock with a man for a long time and got kind of
    shamed out of a church/pressured to marry to a point where I was just
    over it. Unitarian churches haven’t done that to me, but every time I’ve
    gone, I’ve had someone kind of attach her or himself to me in a way
    that irritated me out of the building… Man those Unitarians will
    welcome you to death lol

  • @oceanstarr - the issue of shaming over living “in sin” is pervasive in churches, except UCC and Unitarian, which use a very liberal sexual education curriculum… but then it all depends on the actual people in each church too… Also, I bet young women get the over welcoming thing easily.  I have felt both over and under welcomed in various churches. 

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